Nov / Dec 2020
To finish our Year-End, despite Covid, we receive a Certificate of Recognition from RHS Britain In Bloom
Andy Harper delivers more sacks of daffodil bulbs at Coleen's request.
Winter Planting Commences with help from East Riding Council
Andy Harper from EYRC Parks Dept donate more daffodil bulbs and pansies.
So it's out in the rain again for the team planting up beds on Welton Road.
Elloughton Road grass verges have also been planted with daffodils, which should provide a golden strip of delight come the Spring.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let's hope it's a good one.
And thank you to all our volunteers and to everyone who has donated plants and money throughout 2020.

Planting in the rain with the ones we love.
Our Xmas Party On Zoom
Oct 2020
In Bloom take part in the Elloughton/Bough Council Scarecrow festival with these creative entries:

Oct 2020
Thanks to East Riding Council for 3 bags of
daffs & Crocus
Proposed giant bee hive and wild flowers for Welton Low Road
We are hoping to have this ready for our 21st Birthday in 2021.
The hive has been made by Butler Boats of Brough
Sept 2020
Team effort to install new guttering and a Water Butt at the new Kiosk on Welton Road.

Out and About

June 2020
Linda, Val and Coleen tidy up Brough Crossroads for VE Day.
Sue Thackery installs water containers alongside each new tree on Myrtle Meadow. Thanks to her and members of In Bloom.
Terry Gill repaints the seat at Elloughton Crossroads.
Elloughton ladies plant 240 plants at the Green on Main Street.
Team in blue T Shirts working on Humber Cresent and also Brough Crossroads cutting hedges.
New plants in at Pump Green, Elloughton where thanks goes to residents for cutting the grass.
3 tier planter still looking good with Winter pansies in Summer.
July 2020
In Bloom team Social Distance and still keep the areas tidy.
Clearing up the small wood near Humber Crescent and on the corner of Loxley Way, Brough are Dangerous Dave, Sue, Mary, Val and Coleen.

Aug 2020
Thanks to the residence of Spindlewood who attended the live gig on Sun 16th. There was entertainment from the male duo The Likley Lads. They raised £119 to spend on plants for Spindlewood.
Picture shows resident couples out doing a grand job tidying up.

MARCH 2020
Pic 1, (left to Right)
Team prepare land at Dale Road corner for tree planting and a new feature to be revealled soon.
Pic 2. New tree planted on Welton Low Rd. Thanks to Mike Taylor.
Pic 3. Butler Boat at Brough Haven gets Spring colour.
Pic 4. Spring is blooming in Myrtle Meadow.
Pic 5. Daffs are out at Brough Crossroads.
Pics 5 - 8. Tribute to In Bloom member Ron Kay who died late last year. A tree donated and planted by his wife June and Family at Centurion Way, Brough.
Teamed up with EYRC to help plant trees along Main Drain, Brough. Big thanks to the East Riding Officers for their help on the day.
Working with residents of Loxley Way members of the team helped to bring life back into the pond. Thanks to Niel Bell for initiating this. Lots of debris was taken out so wildlife can flurish. Member Bill Bell made a bird box for site too.
May 2020
Sue Thackery, one of our members volunteered her skills to make some Scrubs for the local hospitals during the Lock Down.
April 2020
Coleen gives the chains and posts a make-over in Gold and Black.
The 3 tier planer at Elloughton looks a great in Spring Bloom.

Dave gets tuf on cleaning the bus shelter floor prior to re paintging >>>>>>>>>
First projects of the year.
The team create a new boarder bed aorund the Victorian Water Pump at the Green, Elloughton.
And Dave sets work on paiting the bus shelter floor.

Major team effort. To dig out old turf and replace with a stone and slab surface create a new home for a 3 tier planter.
Another In Bloom improvment to the Cenotaph area at Brough Crossroads.
Thank to Grubb Deli for the free coffees and sausage rolls on this cold Winters morning.