December 2017
Members made and contibuted to decorating this years In Bllom entry to the Best Dressed Christmas Tree competition, which is held at the Village Hall, Elloughton Road, Brough on Sat 2nd Dec.
November 2017
Friday 17th was our Elvis with Steve Caprice fund rasing night at Blackies Club, Great night all round with around 100 people attending.There was also a special appearnce of local guitarist Terry Swan playing popular hits by The Shadows.
The event raised £320 which will go toward our projects in 2018.
Big thanks to all involved and attended.
Big thanks to East Riding Council who provided 2 sacks of daffodil bulbs for us to plant in the community.
The brand new picnic table which was placed on Mytle Meadow earlier this year was damage beyond repair. Vandals set fire to it and it has now been removed. - It is not yet decided wether it should be replaced.
Oct. 2017
Thanks to Bill, Carol, Sue and Margaret for tidying Brough Crossroads.
Elvis Event tickets on sale now ring Coleen on 666924 or the number below. Only £6 each.
Notice Board has been up-dated thanks to Terry Gill.
Sept. 2017
Yorkshire In Bloom awarded us another Silver Gilt award.
Posters and tickets have been printed for our ELVIS fund raiser in November. Tickets available by Text or ringing 07450 634585
Vandals set lite to our Picnic Table on Mrytle Way Meadow.
It cost us £600 which we fund raised for to improve the area. all the volunteers are very sad and wondering whether to re-place it.
August 2017
Sue and Keith have been working on the entrance to Loxley Way. Margaret and Coleen have been working on Elloughton Crossroads.
Thanks go to Yvonne in Swanland for donating many shrubs and a Cherry Tree which are planting in Myrtle Meadow.
July 2017
MD Gardeners of Brough donate over 2 sackfulls of lovely shrubs and bark - many thanks to them. We have already planted these across Elloughton and Brough.
Our new notice board has been erected for our newest project Myrtle Meadow. It is opposite the Police Station at the public footpath entrance to the site. Thanks to Terry Clark local joiiner for his good work.
Monday 10th, July 10:30am Judges arrived and were taken on a tour of our areas. They seemed very impressed and fingers crossed we may get Gold in this Summers Yorkshire In Bloom contest.
June 2017
Terry painted a Litter Bin and Wheel barrow on Elloughton Green and tidied the area up, while Coleen weeded the area.
Coleen planted up arround the Cenotaph and weeded.
Judy put up a beautiful Bird Box that Bill had made.
Val has been busy weeding and putting bedding plants in Humber crescent and on the wooded area.
Sue and and Keith have been working on Loxley Way.
Linda, Margaret, Sue and Coleen have been focusing on Elloughton Crossroads.
Beech Road Planters have been planted up and Jefferson Drives New Planters also.
In keeping with the current theme of Hull City of Culture 2017 members Paula & Ralph Brown, Dave Hubert and Terry Gill re decorated the bus shelter on Welton Road.
Plus Coleen installed a new No Smoking sign. The Town Council have been lobbied and they have agreed to fix new guttering to the shelter.
May 2017
Coleen & the In Bloom Team pic up local Council Community Award for their dedication and hard work over the years.
Pictured left to right: Coleen Gill, Val Young & Judy Needley
Big Thank you to Kate and Paul for all the free plants. We are going to plant them in Val's wooded area and Judy's patch and Coleen will plant the stocks in Spindlewood.
April 2017
Coleen, Val and Judy saved some cowslips from the building site (Picture right) These are going to be replanted in wildlife areas.
Members visit Town Councils Environment meeting to request for some mature tree's and shrubs.
Picnic table arrives from Glasdon's 6 members carry it into place and Dave concretes it in on Judy's patch.
Team sent for Ready and Jumbo Plants to bring on in our greenhouses.
Judy collects horse manure to spread on our recently planted friut trees on her patch.
Coleen and Judy meet with Neil Crawford from C R Reynolds to talk about sponsorship.
Coleen and Judy meet Paul Palmer from the East Riding to ask permission to plant trees along Moor Road. Found out its Barretts Land, so Coleen has emailled Barretts for a meeting as the land needs levelling.
Val and Dave spread manure on the wooded area.
March 2017
Judy weeded and tydied long fence bed and 2 large box planters for annual painting
Val & Dave prepare wooded area for judges
Linda Paints sign at Brough Crossroads
Freda weeds around Roman soldier
Chair, Coleen, cleans bollards, Elloughton Crossroads
Margret tidies round trees in Elloughton Crossroads
Sue & Linda tidy up Jefferson Drive
Team plant fruit trees donated by East Riding
Great British Tidy-Up 3 days of litter picking.
Collected bark from Council depot and spread on three sites
in the town.
Team planted up Elloughton crossroads beds.
February 2017
Team tidied cenotaph areas at Brough Crossroads.
Installed compost box
January 2017
Held Evlis event night - rasied £607 for our funds.
Ordered 2 large Amberol planters