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We've done GOLD again!

Our entry into this years Yorkshire In Bloom Ward Competition led to the judges visiting us on Wed 17th July. A full tour and inspection of the area was done including visit to Elloughton School, were children gave a presentation of the gardening they do in the grounds. At the Award ceremony in Tadcaster we were presented with overall Category GOLD AWARD. This is our third Gold Award 3 years in succession. Big thanks go to all our volunteers, helpers and supporters. 

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Celebrating 24 years of working in the Community, our award winning volunteers take pride in making our area a better place live. Why not come and join us?


Our next informal meeting is 6:30pm on Wed 20th November at the Petuaria Centre.

If you have any questions or suggestions please email

In the meantime we thank all residents, supporters and donators for their help and contributions throughout the year.

To see highlights of what we have been doing each month visit our Dairy Page

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In Bloom
10 x Silver Gilt Winners &  4 Gold Awards plus Britain In Bloom Gold Award since 2000

Photos taken prior to Covid restrictions

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